Doom and Gloom

I've said it all before, and I just can't stop repeating myself: The world is going down the shitter, and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. Need proof? Consider:

> We're still polluting the air, despite dire warnings as to the consequences. And there's no sign that it's slowing down—if anything, things are getting worse: our politicians are busily weakening clean air policies and relaxing emissions requirements, and even punishing states that enact stricter rules.

> We're still polluting water, despite dire warnings as to the consequences. And there's no sign that it's slowing down—if anything, things are getting worse: our politicians are busily weakening clean water policies and initiatives, and serious water pollution incidents have now hit the highest level in nearly a decade.

> We're still puking out ever-increasing amounts of greenhouse gasses, despite dire warnings as to the consequences. And there's no sign that it's slowing down—if anything, things are getting worse: the United Kingdom recently approved a new coal mine, which flies in the face of common sense. And thanks to global warming—which is still real, no matter how many snowballs you show to Congress—the Artic may be ice-free one summer, for the first time in recorded history, within your lifetime.

> We're still creating plastic waste at a prodigious rate, despite dire warnings as to the consequences. And there's no sign that it's slowing down—if anything, things are getting worse: only a fraction of discarded plastic is recycled, and floating plastic waste is steadily accumulating in our oceans, killing everything from vital microbes to already-endangered birds and mammals; plastic pollution has been found in every animal and in every area on the planet, from the bottom of the ocean to the peaks of the tallest mountains.

> We're still destroying precious rainforests, despite dire warnings as to the consequences. And there's no sign that it's slowing down—if anything, things are getting worse: new highways and railroads are being built straight through those parts of the rainforest that haven't already been burned down, isolating—and dooming—countless animals.

> We're still driving many hundreds of species of wildlife to extinction every year, despite dire warnings as to the consequences. And there's no sign that it's slowing down—if anything, things are getting worse: the rate of extinction is increasing, to the point that it's now considered a new mass extinction event; the concept of biodiversity, which is vital to our very survival, is dismissed or, worse, ignored by the masses. Animals are quickly running out of places to live, and yet our destruction of habitats continues unchecked.

> We're still raping the land in our obsessive search for oil, despite dire warnings as to the consequences. And there's no sign that it's slowing down—if anything, things are getting worse: fracking bans are being lifted, and now we're plundering national parklands to feed an unquenchable thirst for an ever-shrinking resource, the consumption of which produces massive amounts of greenhouse gasses, the majority of chemical pollution, and every bit of plastic waste (plastic is made from oil, just in case you were unaware of that little fact).

> We're still ignoring all of the above issues, despite dire warnings as to the consequences. And there's no sign that it's slowing down—if anything, things are getting worse: people are paying more attention to their freaking "influencers" than to the multiple crises we're all facing—an appalling state of affairs that demonstrates just how insufferably, insanely, infuriatingly stupid people really are. And the most popular so-called "solutions" are laughably pathetic:

> Fusion energy. While there have been some recent advances in what is far too often erroneously touted as the "solution to everything," conservative estimates still put practical applications of this unproven, risky technology at 15-20 years away, and global solutions a century or more after that. But even if we could convert to fusion power overnight, worldwide, right now, it wouldn't be enough to save us. We're facing multiple terminal problems on multiple fronts, most of them unrelated to energy sources, and we don't have the time, ability or (worst of all) the inclination to fix many—or even any—of them.

> Electric vehicles. Oh, you say you drive a Tesla? So fucking what? Do you honestly believe a few EVs will save the goddamn planet? Here's a dose of reality for you: manufacturing the batteries for EVs consumes rare natural resources and produces loads of hazardous waste. Recharging them relies on grid power, which is often generated by fossil fuels. Then, after they die (that's right, rechargeable batteries don't last forever), they become an even bigger, more hazardous disposal problem. Meanwhile, gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs are still the biggest-selling vehicles by far.

> Relocate to Mars. This is without question the most darkly amusing solutions I've ever heard. First, who is going to pay for it? The cost makes the word "astronomical" seem woefully inadequate, and if people filthy with money can't find a way to make even more money from it, you won't see a dime from them. Second, who is going to decide who goes, fucking Elon Musk? Better reserve a gold-plated, double-wide seat for the Orange Idiot on the first trip! Anyway, it wouldn't be just scientists and other really smart people making the voyage; the Inclusiveness Division of the Political Correctness Force would make certain that neo-Nazis and homeless people would of course be guaranteed free tickets. And third, assuming we somehow found a way to actually survive there, what's to prevent us from doing this all over again? Human nature will not change merely because we've relocated—that's a matter of historical record. Look it up. Anyway, I cannot imagine a more embarrassing, more damning admission of planetary homicide than up and abandoning Earth.

Bottom line: It's all over. The planet is already dead—we just don't know it yet. And there will be no recovery, because it's painfully obvious no one gives a shit about anything but the latest viral TikTok clips or the release date of the next version of Grand Theft Auto. Mark my words: people are not going to get off of their fat asses and do anything until their precious lifestyles are directly threatened. It's an absolute, immutable fact that there's there's nothing anyone can do, now or ever, to prevent our inevitable demise. May as well enjoy the show watching the ridiculous things people do in sheer panic as they face the end of days.

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