A Bug's Life1998, Pixar This is a generally solid, well-done animated film—a tad predictable on occasion, but still quite decent, and worthy of the Pixar name. That said, it's more than worthwhile seeing if only for one reason: the "outtakes" at the end featuring the animated characters as if they were actors. Whoever came up with that truly original idea deserves an Oscar. I've rarely laughed so hard; indeed, I had to watch them a few times because I had tears in my eyes and couldn't see what was going on. Extras include Geri's Game, the first Pixar film to feature a human main character. Incidentally, this film gave rise to a massive feud between producers, the end result being the formation of DreamWorks, along with the competing film Antz. DKS 12/17/17 FART-O-METER® Rating:
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