
Although she was from a different litter in a different town, Zoë could be mistaken for Smooch's sister. The two bonded almost immediately. As a kitten, Zoë had the most adorable little face. You can also tell we had a thing for calicos.

Zoë had a sad/happy origin story. Her tail had a kink in it—a slight permanent bend in the middle. Evidently she was found as a newborn in a ditch beside the road on a rainy night, and her tail was broken. She was rescued and patched up, and then along came a pair of cat suckers who made sure she had a safe, happy forever home.

It took a while, but Misha finally came around and joined the sisterhood. Below, clockwise from top left: Misha, Zoë and Smooch.

Below, clockwise from bottom left: Smooch, Zoë and Misha.

Below, left to right: Zoë, Misha and Smooch.

Zoë loved to watch the toilet flush. Well, they all did, but she did the most.

And she loved to squish herself into tight places.

As she matured, her cute little pug nose popped out. My S.O. gave her the moniker, and it seemed to fit.

It's hard to say who was cuddlier, Zoë or Smooch.

Smooch < Return > Jinx

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