2-04. "Godspeed"

Written by Dan Nowak
Directed by Jeff Woolnough
First aired 15 February 2017


Courtesy of data provided by Fred Johnson, Avasarala is able to link the stealth ships to Jules-Pierre Mao. She makes this information public, which places Mao in the awkward position of having to explain how he was unaware that his own company had built a fleet of stealth ships.

On Tycho Station, Miller and Fred Johnson share with Holden their plan to use the Nauvoo to knock Eros into the sun. Then they solicit Holden's help to destroy the docks on Eros with nuclear explosives to keep people out.

While the bombs are being placed on Eros' docks, Holden and crew finds a group of doctors attempting to break into Eros. Holden orders them to evacuate, but they refuse; ultimately, Holden is forced to destroy their ship in order to prevent the Protomolecule from spreading. Debris from the destroyed ship damages the last bomb being planted by Holden and Diogo. With no way to prevent the bomb from detonating other than manually resetting a 60-second timer, Holden tells Diogo to leave, and watches the Nauvoo approaching Eros. Except that it misses.


"Fresh air!"

This episode is more setup than payoff, but that's fine, because the payoff(s) will be yuuuge. Also, Diogo and Miller clash well together.

Best Scene: Holden's gut-wrenching reaction to being forced to nuke the doctors' ship is potent.

Best Line: Miller gives Diogo some parting advice: "Kid, go get laid."


Episode 2-03 < Season 2 > Episode 2-05

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