The Day the Earth Stood Still

1951, 20th Century Fox

What was regarded as the best film of 1951 is still regarded as one of the finest films ever made. Literate, thought-provoking and well-produced, it stood in stark contrast to the ray gun/bug-eyed Martian B-movies of the era—which is just what one might have been inclined to think it was, given the film's misleading promotional artwork.

DKS 12/17/17


Smells Like Roses!


The Day the Earth Stood Still

2008, 3 Arts Entertainment et al

The legacy of one of cinema's greatest achievements was needlessly sullied by an ill-conceived remake. Gone was the story, the very heart and soul of the original, replaced by the wooden croaking of Keanu Reeves amidst a sea of pointless, overwrought digital effects. The makers of this crap should be ashamed.

DKS 12/17/17


Wet Fart


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