The Man Who Fell to Earth

1976, British Lion Films

Known more for David Bowie's acting debut than as a serious science fiction film, The Man Who Fell to Earth polarized critics upon its limited release, and much controversy surrounded the film's debut. Paramount refused to pay for it, claiming it was different from what they'd expected, and lawsuits ensued; meanwhile, the British Board of Film Censors gave it an X rating. Bowie also confessed he was doing cocaine during production, had no clue what the film was ultimately about, and didn't so much act as "behave naturally." Given the loopy premise and numerous plot holes, one might be tempted to think it's better while high. Ultimately the film is more of a curiosity in and of itself; not surprisingly, it has achieved cult status, and has been added to the Criterion Collection.

DKS 12/19/17




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