Happy Feet2006, Animal Logic et al This Academy Award-winning CGI film capitalized on our collective infatuation with penguins at the time (fuelled by a flurry of books and documentaries). It is undeniably gleeful and dazzling, and well worth one's time and attention. That said, for reasons I can't quite articulate, I'm not convinced it's worth a top score, as it's a bit too cute. DKS 12/17/17 FART-O-METER® Rating:
Happy Feet Two2011, Village Roadshow Pictures et al The only things the two Happy Feet films have in common are cute penguins and competent animation; otherwise, there seems to be no shared DNA between them. In short, it's a noisy, jumbled mess not worth an investment of 100 minutes. DKS 12/17/17 FART-O-METER® Rating:
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