Crocodile Dundee

1986, Rimfire Films

Earning over $300 million against an $8 million budget, Dundee launched the career of star Paul Hogan. There is a charm about it; Hogan is disarming as the fish out of the water, and he introduced quite a lot of Aussie slang to the rest of the world. Still, it's hard to deny the paper-thin plot is there merely as a stage for Hogan's stand-up routine. With a few genuine laughs, it's worth the popcorn. Maybe.

"Heh, that's not a knife... That's a knife."

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Crocodile Dundee II

1988, Rimfire Films

Success often begets regrets, and perhaps never more so than with this obvious money-grab; Hogan's charm has worn off, and is now becoming tedious. Not to mention that the story is about as imaginative as leftover meatloaf. Marginally more interesting may be the fact that art is imitating life: Hogan married his costar, Linda Kozlowski.

Incidentally, there was one more film, Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. I wisely didn't even bother to see it; consider: it has an 11% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

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Wet Fart


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