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Website News Archive: April 2010

20 April 2010

There are many reasons that it's been a while since the last update—competing projects and health issues among them—but the primary reason has had to remain secret... until now. I'm very pleased to present William Dean Wright's Full Throttle! Please stop by Will's new website and have a look around—I think you'll be amazed by just how many great products he's made for us Z scalers!

In other news, the Z Scale Truck and Coupler Review has been updated to include Full Throttle's new 70-ton roller bearing trucks (not yet available separately, sorry to say—and no, I don't know when they will be).

3 April 2010

Following on the heels of the Online Resources revamp, I've added a new page of Handy Gadgets. This is the beginnings of a collection of helpful tools, including a scale dimension calculator, a scale drawing size converter, and a resistor decoder.

1 April 2010

What the heck happened to March? It seemingly came and went in a flash. Well, obviously I've been distracted by my Pine Creek Railroad project, not to mention a little T Gauge activity on the side. Fear not; the James River Branch has not been forsaken, and there will be some progress to report anon.

Meanwhile, I've updated the website. At long, long last I've finally gotten around to wrapping up a very big, very old round tuit: I've consolidated and updated all of my Online Resources. Thing is, they're not all located at this website any more; many of them are over on my White River and Northern site. I split them up like this so that I'm not maintaining duplicate lists across multiple sites. But now they're bigger and better than ever, since I've merged previously fragmented lists. I hope you'll find them useful.

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