Episode 22: Just A Wild Guess


It's a very special day for Dicker and Azin.


After returning to work on the series, I needed to do something light and joyous, and out came this happy bit of wish-fulfilment. I spent close to three weeks writing this confection. To sweeten it further, I set the vows to music. As for whether or not Roler actually knew it was happening, I leave that up to the viewer to decide. I think it works either way.

Note that at this point I was still going bring things to a stop after "Perchance to Dream." The beast that eventually came into being in between, "We Are So Screwed," proved to be a three-month wrestling match with my keyboard, and by all rights should have been accompanied by a session on the couch, as I spent almost as much time sobbing as I did writing.


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