Episode 19: Trans Mortal


On their way to their next show-down with the Rogue Clobbernauts, Dicker receives a message from... his dead wife!


The original intention for this episode was vastly different from what I wound up producing. I'd wanted to take a crack at the whole notion of trans-this and trans-that. But ultimately I thought the subject might be a tad too touchy. Left with just a title, "Trans Mortal," I decided to take the "joke" seriously, and head in a different direction altogether.

Thus was born a story about Dicker's (presumably) long-dead wife, which ultimately turned out to be a good choice. Making it a two-parter gave me the real estate to explore into Beverly's character.

Granted, I sacrificed humor for a more realistic rendering of their relationship, but I think it works. I also made her race somewhat ambiguous, hinting at Indian, with possibly a touch of Native American. Maybe. I just went for a slightly darker-skinned, vaguely exotic-looking, yet plain-bodied female. And given that I'd established her as a nudist (in "Talk Talk Talkity Talk Talk"), I got daring and went full-frontal, although I kept it to a tasteful minimum.


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