May Day

I've taken photos on the first of May of The View every year I've been here, and it's interesting—more like alarming—to compare them. Have a good, long look, deniers: this is no "natural variation"; this is a bona fide manmade trend that probably won't stop for centuries. It makes me glad, in a way, that I'll be making an early exit, because this is like watching the death of the planet in extreme slow motion.


In this very early view, the triple stand of trees in the foreground was still intact. Sadly a storm took out one of the three, leaving the other two highly unstable. Because of the risk they posed for the house, I had to have them all cut down.


The remains of the stand of trees from the prior year are visible in the foreground. The stump in the background at far right was a tree that had died long before I arrived.


2016 marked a notable increase in greenery.


2017 continued the trend of the prior year.


Spring was arriving sooner each year, until 2018. But the long, miserable winter made spring late this year. Actually, it did away with spring altogether and pushed us straight into summer, with highs in the 90s for the first week of May. A few days after the above image was taken, it looked just as it had in 2017.


Shot from my living room for the first time—yay!—it's the greenest May Day I've yet seen by far.


May Day 2020 was soggy and dreary. Not quite as green as 2019, likely due to several frosts in April as well as the loss of some trees, but still greener than most.


May Day 2021 looked remarkably like any mid-summer day, and the greenest May Day I've seen so far.


May Day 2022 was a bonus—I honestly didn't expect to be alive to see it. A cooler-than-normal April slowed the arrival of spring this year, but quite likely things will catch up very quickly.

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