About the Name

The name I've given my property, Wild Sanctuary, carries multiple associations. In my high school and college days, as I was exploring the music of obscure, progressive artists, I discovered Beaver & Krause. Their 1970 album In a Wild Sanctuary became a favorite, especially the title track—a gentle, haunting little synth piece that I still play often to this day.

But the appeal runs much deeper: the album cover features a favorite work by a favorite artist, Three Worlds (created in the year of my birth) by graphic artist (in which I have a Bachelors degree) M.C. Escher—I have a print of it waiting to be hung in the foyer. From the day I found my property, I've thought of it as a sanctuary for me, my cats and the wildlife here, so it seemed fitting to think of myself as living in a wild sanctuary. Visit the band's surviving member's website (note the site's name, not to mention the background image!) to learn more about his research into natural soundscapes (I've also worked as a sound engineer for some years). Thus the Karma on many levels is revealed...


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