Grump Central Archive: Week of 3 February 2019

Saturday, 9 February 2019

After an insane couple of days, I'm hoping to get back to some sense of normalcy, although Zack is going to continue to be a concern until he's back to 100%. I hope it's soon—I'm exhausted.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Yesterday was one of the hardest days in recent times. It started with a sick cat. Off to the vets. Spent money I don't have. Vet offered a hopeful outlook for Zack, but after returning home, he's gotten much worse. The trouble is, I can't take him back—I'm already in the red as it is. I can only hope he's improved overnight. I'll find out in just a little while...

Update: Zack is a little better—not much, but just enough to be somewhat encouraging. Meanwhile, I'm reporting from the office in the house, instead of the cabin. Despite the fact that the walls aren't finished yet, I moved my computer system anyway so it would be in a more controlled environment. (It also helps from a psychological standpoint to have the computer located where it ultimately belongs.)

Thursday, 7 February 2019

What a day! The replacement windows are in, and all of the ceilings are sheetrocked. Today my helper and I restore some order to the chaotic mess that resulted from all of the work. And then the house will go into a slumber once again while I try to find a way to finance any further progress.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Today is going to be crazy-busy. The sheetrockers will be starting on the garage ceiling, while Pella is expected to replace the two defective picture windows. And my helper is showing up as per usual.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

As the sheetrock work continues, so too does the wacky weather, with an expected high today in the 60s.

Monday, 4 February 2019

After a crazy weekend in the 50s (following the killer Polar Vortex, when lows dropped into the single digits), anything goes today. Ceiling sheetrock will likely continue, but I'd be tempted do some external sheathing; we'll see. As for the robin: flocks of them have been swarming the area for the last few days—something I've never seen before.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Sheetrocking the ceilings continues—I now have what increasingly looks like a home. What a shame this will be all I can accomplish for an indeterminate amount of time. Incidentally, Pella says they'll be replacing the two defective windows next Thursday. I'm making popcorn.

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