5-07. "Oyedeng"

Written by Dan Nowak
Directed by Marisol Adler
First aired 12 January 2021


As Naomi and Filip discuss their respective pasts, she reveals her reason for leaving his father. Cyn confesses that he helped hide Filip from Naomi. Marco asks to borrow the Chetzemoka, which Naomi had given to Filip, in order to set a trap for the Rocinante. Naomi flees Marco's ship by traversing the hard vacuum between ships with no vac suit. Cyn dies attempting to stop her.

Alex and Bobbie discover that the Martians are providing Marco with warships for his Free Navy, and pass this information to Avasarala. Holden hunts down the Zmeya, but it's destroyed before he can reach it, leaving the fate of the Protomolecule sample a mystery.


"Killing people doesn't mean you're strong."

While this episode is yet another mixed bag, it marks the beginning of steady improvement for the season. On the "meh" end, the exploration of the Inaros family dynamics continues to drag—that is, up until Cyn's confession about hiding Filip from Naomi... bring the tissues. Later, when Filip asks Marco if he could have his own command, Marco does a seriously brutal takedown of his son, highlighting all of his failures right in front of his crew. As you watch, you can feel your mental fist involuntarily clenching in response.

Best Scene: Naomi's suitless trip in hard vacuum to the Chetzemoka very nearly takes your breath away—in a manner of speaking. Just... wow.

Best Line: Tired of their long search for the Zmeya, Holden complains to Monica that he always hated fishing. Monica quips, "I like the drinking on a boat part."


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