New Hampshire Treasures

New Hampshire will forever remain the most cherished place for me; my family's summer cabin on Bearcamp Pond and, in particular, my adopted grandparents nearby, quite literally saved my life.

To begin, here's a tree that served as a street sign a very long time ago indeed, directing people to, among other places, South Tamworth and North Sandwich. Although the tree is long gone, at least this photograph still exists to commemorate its service.

The scenic Bearcamp River runs for miles through wilderness as well as campgrounds and parks.

Around Franconia Notch

In addition to Franconia Notch itself, the area is overflowing with natural splendor. Many beautiful falls are within short hikes of the main highway.

The Basin has some extraordinary rock formations carved by eons of flowing water.

The star of the show is The Flume, a national treasure.

The Kankamaugus Highway

Described as one of the most beautiful highways in the country, the Kankamaugus is mile after mile of stunning scenery.

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